You Don’t Have To Earn Self-Care

“You’re allowed to do something for yourself without working for it” Gold Coast Glamour & Boudoir Photographer Willow Branch Photography


I want to share something with you about self-care. I used to believe that in order to do something good for myself, I had to earn it. By achieving a goal, reaching a milestone, or having a certain amount in my savings. The list could go on and on. It took me 36 years to realise that this is so far from the truth.

At 36 years old I had an epiphany!

The more I do things that make me feel good, even if they are unplanned, or as simple as making a yummy sandwich and eating by my sunny window… the more I feel good. The more I feel good, the more good and joy flow to me. And the cycle not only continues, but builds even more joy and happiness. It’s that easy! It’s about taking care of myself. Giving myself little treats, even if it’s as simple as taking my dog out for a walk in the fresh air.

I thought I had to earn every special thing I gave myself. That if I wanted to take a midday walk it had to be after I completed all my “homework”. But you know what – I don’t! My world doesn’t come crashing down when I take that impromptu getaway with my family. In fact, it gets better!

You’re reading this because you were considering doing a photo shoot for yourself. And I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to earn it, my friend! This photoshoot experience is going to make you feel really good. It’s going to make you feel alive!

Be good to yourself! ❤️

Gold Coast Glamour Boudoir

Gold Coast Glamour & Boudoir Photography




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